Ditch the Firstname Lastname format with The Anti-Bullseye Name Search

Most names in English are expressed in news articles and other places like this: Firstname Lastname, or possibly Firstname Middlename Lastname.
However, it isn’t the only pattern used when writing a name.

TABNS takes a name and generates a Google search that searches for the name in reverse order (Lastname Firstname) and specifically excludes the most common expression of firstname lastname.

It changes the tenor of the search results completely, surfacing many more legal- and data- based results. Try it yourself.

If you find yourself getting too many irrelevant results, use the keywords field to add a few single-word modifiers that describe the person broadly.
For example, for Jimmy Carter you might enter President and Georgia. For Annie Lennox you might enter music and Scotland.

In addition to flipping the name search, the Anti-Bullseye also eliminates a lot of big sites that tend to clutter up search results, including Pinterest, eBay, Amazon, LinkedIn, Facebook, and AbeBooks.

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