
Find Connections Between Names With Wikidata: PeopleLinx Affiliations Lookup

PeopleLinx Affiliations Lookup (PAL) Enter a list of names separated by commas. (I have entered up to 125 and that works, but it takes a minute to sort and group the names.) PAL will search Wikidata to find the education, employers, and organization memberships for each name and group names…

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Crony Corral: Match People/Companies/Organizations and Topics in Wikipedia

Crony Corral searches Wikipedia to find people/companies/organizations with matching Wikidata properties and further searches for Wikipedia topics they have in common. Properties searched include: P159: headquarters location – Location of the main office of an organization, company, or institution. P108: employer – Used to link a person to the organization…

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Find Popular Wikipedia Pages on Specific Dates and Explore Why They’re Popular: WikiPopPulse

Get the 100 most popular Wikipedia pages for a given date and sort them by type (human, film, video game, etc.) Searches must be 2016 or later. Listings will look like this: (6) Michelle_Yeoh. The number shows the article’s position on the top 100 list. Some types of listings (like…

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