
Explore the Social Media Space of Congresspeople Past and Present With Congressional Social Media Explorer

The ProPublica Congress API includes information about the social media of Congress members. This tool takes advantage of that to generate focused Google queries for a members’ social media space. Specifically it will generate Google queries that will search across: – The member’s Facebook posts – The member’s Facebook photos…

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Search US Senator Twitter Space by Party, Gender, Generation… and Zodiac Sign?

Senator Social Slices allows you to explore the Twitter-Space of the members of the current US Senate. You can filter the accounts searched by birth decade/generation, zodiac sign, gender, political party, percentage of votes missed, and percentage of time that senator voted against their party. OR, you can ignore all…

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Politician Parade: Find Congressional Representatives in Google News

Politician Parade adds a state’s Congresspeople to your Google News search. Depending on how many reps your state has, this tool will generate one or more URLs with your query AND your Congressional representatives added as an “or” array. It doesn’t work as well as I’d prefer; results can get…

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