Google News

Find Affiliations Between a List of People and a List of Organizations: PeopleLinx Affiliation Filter

  PeopleLinx Affiliation Filter (PAF) Enter a list of people separated by commas and a list of companies / organizations separated by commas. PAF will use Wikidata data to find affiliations between the first list and the second and present you with a list. I have checked 125 people against…

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Find Popular Wikipedia Pages on Specific Dates and Explore Why They’re Popular: WikiPopPulse

Get the 100 most popular Wikipedia pages for a given date and sort them by type (human, film, video game, etc.) Searches must be 2016 or later. Listings will look like this: (6) Michelle_Yeoh. The number shows the article’s position on the top 100 list. Some types of listings (like…

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Organize Your Biographic Searches Into Time Spans with Biography Buckets

Do you ever find yourself doing research on a person where you have a name and a lot of biographical information, but no real direction for searching? Biography Buckets is for you. Biography Buckets takes biographical events or keywords associated with a person and uses them to build date-based searches…

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Build Google Searches Around Related Topics With Wiki-Guided Google Search

Wiki-Guided Google Search Takes Your Wikipedia Topic Search And Builds A Set of Google queries around related topics. Say you want to learn more about Georgia O’Keeffe but you don’t know enough to make a detailed query for a search engine. But Wikipedia knows a LOT about Georgia O’Keeffe, so…

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